Brakes and Clutches for Machine Tools - Supplier & Distributor - machine-clutch instagram     youtube    facebook       Mail    Telefon +48 62 79 15 131

Our clutches and brakes work all over the World,
because we send our goods to every corner of the World.

Taught by experience, we put a special attention on each item that is going to be sent.
The goods are always correctly secured, and carefully packed to prevent breakage, or even small damage.
Goods sent outside the European Union are always packed in accordance with applicable rules.

Below some sample photos of our so far shipments:

CIMG0298E052E102  0015ET102
ETM 102IMG_1384IMG_1385IMG_1469
IMGP9870Obraz 004Obraz 010Obraz 011
Obraz 012Obraz 013Obraz 014Obraz 019
Obraz 021Obraz 025Obraz 026Obraz 027
Obraz 031Obraz 032Obraz 036Obraz 041
Obraz 042Obraz 049Obraz 050Obraz 055
Obraz 056Obraz90Obraz91Obraz92

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